Fix timeout in ClusterInfoUpdateJob

Debugging issues in Elasticsearch

A really small post to document a fix to an issue.

We were getting the following error in the logs of a docker container running elasticsearch that was being used by Graylog.

Failed to update shard information for ClusterInfoUpdateJob within 15s timeout

The cluster seemed fine with all the indexes green when invoking

curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices

In the end the fix was manually close each index (and the closing process would fail with publication cancelled before committing: timed out after 30s), so I had to manually retry several times.

curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/index_name_1/_close

Once all indices were closed, I manually reopened them again one by one.

curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/index_name_1/_open

At least this solved my issue.

EDIT: It happened again shortly after. In my case, the indices were too big for the memory allocated. So I configured Graylog to split the index and rotate more often.